Wednesday, July 8, 2015

And so it begins...

I like to eat.  As with many people, my relationship to food is complicated.  I enjoy most foods, I'm not terribly picky (Except for cottage cheese.  Gross.)  The problem is that I tend to partake in foods that are not necessarily great for my overall health more than I do the ones that are.

I'm what they call a "stress-eater."  When things feel a little overwhelming, it's easy to say yes because it feels good in the moment to just let 'er rip and savor the tastes, no matter the eventual consequences.  However, that's not the only type of eater I am:  Celebrating something or someone?  Enjoy the spread!  Bored?  Crack open the snacks!  Feeling a little down?  Drown that sadness in a buffet!  Happy you had a salad for lunch?  Have a cookie (or 3)!

I don't think I'm alone here.  I suspect that many of us have this daily struggle with food and eating (or other addictive things, like alcohol or cell phones.  My metaphors won't stop.)  My plan is to change my relationship with food and to tell you all about it, warts and all.  I will admit when I struggle and fail, as well as when things go well.  I don't know what the end is, I'm just starting at the beginning.

So why am I doing this?  Well, physically, I've been in a rough place.  I have all sorts of excuses as to why, but frankly I think I've got some bad habits that will take a while to overcome.  

As I write this, here are some symptoms I've been experiencing daily:
  • Aching and weak joints
  • Lower back pain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Easily winded
  • Muscle tightness (and inability to stretch/feel loose)
  • Chronic diarrhea (I told you it wouldn't be pretty)
  • Headaches
  • Bloated feeling
  • Several others, some of which are more sporadic, some of which I don't care to mention.
How am I going to go about this? Well, I've heard from a few sources that many of these symptoms could be caused by chronic inflammation, so I thought I'd work at incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into my regular intake.  

Quick aside, the word "DIET" is a curse word to me.  Diets are incomplete, temporary and frustrating.  I'm not on any particular diet, nor do I want to be.  I'm looking to change my patterns and lifestyle in a way that feels natural and helps me feel better and do the things I want to do.  

OK, sorry for the interruption, back to the hows:  I'm really going to push vegetables and fruits, because I find that most health professionals think it's a good idea.  I'm going to try to be organic, too, just because I find the thought of consuming pesticides pretty unappetizing.  I mean, I have to fight myself to eat my greens anyway, why would I make it harder by imagining a dressing of imidacloprid.  I'm going to try and stick to fish and lean white meats for proteins, and not necessarily for every meal.  I'm going to try and eat more meals with decreased portions, and I won't hesitate on the healthy snacks (nuts, usually.)  My goal, after the first week or so (I know from experience that expecting too much immediately is a recipe for disaster) is to walk or exercise a little every day, with a general goal of at least a mile brisk walk.  Down the road once we see some improvement, I'd like to up this expectation once I know I can do it without being paralyzed by muscle pain.  

So there it is.  This is the start of something.  You, dear readers, can help me in many ways, but what I'd like the most is for you to expect that I keep up with this blog in an honest and forthright manner.  I will have failures, and I hope for real change.  The key is taking the journey and making it meaningful.  

Oh, and if you want to cook me food that's healthy, I'm totally in on that, too.  

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