My smoothie for these two mornings was kale based. Now, I know kale is one of those superfood type things that's oh-so-good for you. But man, is it hard to make palatable. Honestly, the only way I've been able to get the stuff down is to mask the bitter flavor with something better. You know, like Bacon. (That's not a typo, by the way. I feel like Bacon should always be capitalized. Like royalty.)
In smoothies, the problem is that it doesn't blend very smoothly at all which, if you pay attention to the name, kinda goes against the whole idea. The only way to make it work is to use liberal amounts of a balancing agent. My problem? When I made this batch I was out of mango and bananas, which are the best balancers there are. Sigh.
So I got them down (and, to be fair, they were filling and energizing.) But it sure wasn't any fun. The lesson here is plan ahead so you don't choke on your kale. Write that down.
I'm still very much in the early throes of training my body that it A) doesn't need copious amounts of food and B) that food doesn't have to be comprised of fat and carbohydrates. That means energy is low and sleep is difficult, which if you ask anyone that has to be around me, is the perfect recipe for grumpypants. Luckily, I haven't started exercising much yet so at least my body hasn't completely revolted. That'll start next week.
I'm still going strong, though! Three days in and 5 pounds of water-weight lost*. It's not much, but I'll take it. See you tomorrow.
*I started at about 303 lbs. I'm not COMPLETELY focused on weight here, but it's one of the things I'll be tracking. So, for the record, 298 lbs.
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